A University's China Journey
There is a very popular television show in the United States called The Deadliest Catch, a series on the dangerous life of Bering Sea...
America 2016--The Realization of the Myth of Sisyphus?
The following reflection was prepared in 2009 to mark the occasion of the inauguration of the first African American president in U.S....
Dr. William J. Carroll
President Emeritus, Benedictine University and President, Hunter Global Education, LLC William J. Carroll, Ph.D. served as the 10th...
为促进我市相关医药企业对美交流与技术合作,应辽宁省人民对外友好协会和我国驻美国芝加哥总领事馆的安排, 以美国颗粒实验室总裁理查德▪卡伦为首的美国亨特教育和颗粒技术实验室代表团一行七人,于6月3日下午考察了我市高新技术产业开发区。...
2016年6月3日下午,为进一步加强我省医药行业和美国相关领域的友好交流,美国颗粒实验室总裁理查德·卡伦(Richard J.Karuhn)、分析服务部主任威廉•科普斯凯(William Kopesky)、美国亨特集团等一行五人组成代表团,在辽宁省人民对外友好协会额国际交流...
President Li Rongde Met with President of GMercyU
On May 30th, Doctor Kathleen Owens, President of Gwynedd Mercy University (GMercyU), Mr. William Carroll, President of Hunter Global...
The Radio Shack Phenomenon and the Future of Private Independent Higher Education
For those of a certain age, Radio Shack was electronics central. For decades, all the latest and greatest electronic innovations could be...
China and the US: A New Century, a New Partnership
I have spent a good deal of time in China and have traveled throughout the country. I am always amazed at the hospitality and welcoming...
美国颗粒技术实验室 (Particle Technology Labs (PTL))开展颗粒测量领域的工作已有 30多年的历史 ,他们拥有在许多行业中颗粒测试技术的实际经验 ,该实验室有许多先进的检测设备 ,可提供粒度分析、表面分析、孔径大小分布、显微镜分析及相关的物理测理...